06 Nov (Wed)

Passoverdance reinterprets modern dance classic Day on Earth by Doris Humphry and the Academy’s 80s work Do Not Go Gentle by Dr. Tom Brown. In reminisce of the late Dr. Brown, these two dance performances pay tributes to American Modern Dance pioneers and chronicle how modern dance took roots in Hong Kong by presenting rehearsal highlights.
About Peawan Chow
Pewan Chow was among the first cohort of graduates from the School of Dance, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA). She was awarded a scholarship by the London Contemporary Dance School to pursue further study in choreography and performance in 1988 andreceived a Master of Arts in Choreography from the Laban Centre, London in 2003. Chow received the Hong Kong Dance Awards in 2010 and 2012 for Outstanding Achievement in Independent Production for Homecomingand Mazerespectively. Chow is also the recipient of the Hong Kong Dance Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Youth and Community Dance for In Search of Space in a Cramped City: A Moving Exhibition – Urban Bottling in 2016, and Outstanding Dance Education for In Search of Motion in a Virtual City: Grey Areain 2018. Chow was awarded Artist of the Year (Dance) by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) in 2017.
Registration: https://forms.gle/TEUVE1R3r5eAUpxW6