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Dialogue with Prof. Sara Houston on Soft Skills in Dance: A Guide to Enhance Dance Artists Working in Community Settings

16 Nov 2023

Prof. Houston explored the significance of soft skills in the context of dance artists working in community settings, providing a comprehensive guide to enhance their practice. Soft skills, which encompass patterns of thought, behaviors, and communication, were essential for fostering individual and personal approaches to working relations and social encounters. Prof. Houston shed light on the growing recognition of soft skills, such as taking care, negotiation, resilience, and empathy, as crucial attributes for dance artists engaging with diverse communities.


Drawing on her extensive research and practical experience, Prof. Houston shared valuable insights and practical strategies for dance artists to articulate and further develop their existing soft skills within their practice. She also discussed how these skills could be effectively applied in collaboration with the people they worked with. This dialogue was a valuable opportunity for dance artists, educators, and community practitioners seeking to deepen their understanding and enhance their abilities in working effectively within community settings.


* Photo taken by School of Dance office