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The Transformation from a Training Body to a Performance Body

1 Nov 2023

When stage performances were no longer simply differentiated by labeling of genres such as dance, drama, or opera, the development of certain qualities was crucial to being a "good" performer and meeting expectations. In addition to technicality, choreographers and directors looked at other attributes in contemporary stage performance.


In the dialogue, two guests from City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC)'s November 2023 stage performance, Stream of Dust, shared their visions of a contemporary stage performer. Sang Jijia, the choreographer, shared what he saw as the essential quality of a dancer and how he defined individuality and unity on the stage. Alex Cheung, featured in the performance, shared his methodology of physical acting training as a drama school lecturer and his interpretation of the connection between body and mind as a physical actor.


* Photo taken by School of Dance office