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Diploma in Drama Foundations


In preparation for the holistic training as theatre-maker at the Bachelor's level, students in the Diploma in Drama programme are provided with multifaceted dramatic exploration and stimulation, so as to develop their artistic sense and potential as young talents in dramatic arts. The essence of this preparatory year is to invoke students' curiosity and to discover their own questions about themselves and the theatre, rather than being given answers or intensive skill-training. The Diploma in Drama programme aims to broaden the skills and senses of students as spontaneous and responsive beings in the society, who is able to inquire and reflect on their own potential as emerging dramatists with a unique cultural identity - a pre-requisite of intercultural practice. Students are provided with opportunities to explore their artistic and cultural potential through various dramatic / bodily exercises and a local community field trip project. This project is an important learning activity in the Foundation Diploma year - it provides a real context for the application of knowledge and skills into dramatic creation. It also brings students' attention to “everyday life” which they may normally ignore. Through the observation and research made pre- and during the field trip project, students are guided to apply their previous learning into experimentation with various dramatic and theatrical elements for the final presentation, leading them to a glimpse of the complexity of putting ideas and thoughts into creative dramatic or theatre forms. To enrich and inspire students, exposure to a diverse genre of dramatic texts and theatre performances across time, place and culture to promote their international-mindedness, roles and professionalism of different talents in theatre making contexts, enjoyment of working both individually and collaboratively are also vital parts of this preparatory year.