The Library endeavours to attain the following targets in developing the Library Collection:
1. To acquire materials and information that are either curriculum related, research related or of general interest to the Academy community.
2. To collect the print, media, electronic resources and digital resources to support the information needs of the Academy community.
3. To be responsive to new user demands and new technologies in accessing information held by the Library.
4. To acquire the required materials for the library collection in a fair and open manner with sufficient checks and balances.
Collection Development Policy
The Library has established the Collection Development Policy, which aims to provide a general framework on the collection development initiative of the Library. It presents to the Academy community and beyond the principles and guidelines in the selection, evaluation, acquisition and maintenance of the Library resources, identifies what materials are collected and what materials are not collected, and on what basis materials are removed from collections. The Policy will be reviewed and updated as appropriate at the end of each financial year.
Purchase Recommendations
Collection development is the joint effort of the Library and the academic staff. The Library will also consider the purchase recommendations of students and other staff of the Academy. To submit recommendations, please fill in the Suggest a Purchase.