21 Oct (Sat)
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This event is for HKAPA Students and Staff only
Kimono Culture Seminar

Topic: Japan and Kimono Culture
Edo Period, also known as the Tokugawa Period (1603 - 1867), is considered the last period of traditional Japan. Edo was the military headquarters of the shoguns, a cosmopolitan city with a vibrant milieu of merchants, samurai, actors, courtesans, craftsmen, and artists. By the nineteenth century, it was transformed into Tokyo, the imperial capital with a reformed political infrastructure. The latter half of the period strongly influenced the current Japanese Art and Kimono style.
This seminar will discuss the artistic traditions that were transformed and transplanted from Edo into Tokyo, the inspiration for Western art development and the contemporary presentation of Kimonos.
About the Speaker
Jocelyn Yu is a native Hongkonger. In 2011, she went to Kagoshima of Kyushu in Japan to study Japanese language. She obtained the N2 level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. After that, she stayed in Nagoya for a few years. During her stay, she built up a strong interest in traditional Japanese arts and started to practice the traditional string instrument Koto and the study of Kimono. 2016, she obtained the qualification and was certified as a Kimono teacher (Level I). After returning to Hong Kong, Jocelyn continued her art study and graduated from the University of Hong Kong, Department of Art History in 2021 with an MA. Jocelyn also has various work experiences in Hong Kong local art, music and cultural events.