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香港故宫 SHOWTIME!开幕庆典:连系香港故宫

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舞蹈学院学生为香港故宫博物院举办的《香港故宫 SHOWTIME!开幕庆典:连系香港故宫》活动中带来由帕夏.吾卖尔编舞的《舞 ・ 乐,麦⻄莱普》表演,以庆祝香港故宫开幕盛事。

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25.35演艺嘉年华 - 我城我家

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舞蹈学院学生为康乐及文化事务署举办的《25.35演艺嘉年华 - 我城我家》活动中带来芭蕾舞、现代舞及中国舞表演。为庆祝香港特别行政区成立25周年,我们也按照特定的场地特别设计精彩的舞蹈内容。

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八位四年级学生获选参与和艾甘.汉舞蹈团合作的实习计划,他们到伦敦进行五星期的实习,并参与舞团其中一个最新的制作《Jungle Book Reimagined》。

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全球大学电影奖 (GUFA) 2020 颁奖典礼

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舞蹈学院应香港浸会大学邀请於全球大学电影奖 (GUFA) 2020 颁奖典礼上参与表演由中国舞系高级讲师余碧艳编舞的朝鲜族舞蹈《鼓.道.行》。

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10 位芭蕾舞系学生参与由康乐及文化事务署(康文署)於上海举办的《舞出新天地》活动,於三场表演中演绎 Zoltan Fodor 创编的 《回响》,而是次演出是「香港节 2019 - 艺汇上海」的活动之一。


日 期

15th - 19th October 2019

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马来西亚 TARI '19 ASWARA Festival


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舞蹈学院学生早前到马来西亚参加 TARI '19 ASWARA Festival,与来自亚洲不同地区的12个舞蹈团体进行为期五天的交流,在一系列工作坊、研讨会和表演中获益良多。学生们更带来了由邢亮编排的《扇・梦》,不少当地校友亦有到场支持!


日 期

12th - 15th March 2013


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Students participated in the Hong Kong Dance Company’s Outreach and Education Department’s Macau Education and Youth Affairs Bureau’s Event Apreciar a Dancca: Sentir a Beleza


描 述

At the invitation of Hong Kong Dance Company, eleven students from across all three streams (Ballet, Chinese Dance and Contemporary Dance) performed with their professional peers in the company’s Outreach and Education Department’s Macau Education and Youth Affairs Bureau’s event Apreciar a Dancca: Sentir a Beleza (in the Macau Cultural Centre’s Grand Theatre, 12-15 March). This enlightened programme introduces students from Macau’s secondary schools to a range of art forms, with dance designated for Form 5. Stella Lau (Lecturer, Ballet) took responsibility for our students (who rehearsed with the company for several weeks prior to the tour itself), and together with Dean Prof. Anita Donaldson, and Heads Prof. Ou Lu (Ballet) and Prof. Sheng Peiqi (Chinese Dance), attended one of the performances (15 March).


日 期

15th - 18th March 2013

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6 Students performed in the Hong Kong Ballet’s production of The Sleeping Beauty


描 述

6 students (from Ballet and Chinese Dance) performed in the Hong Kong Ballet’s production of The Sleeping Beauty at the Shatin Town Hall (15-18 March).


日 期

22nd – 23rd June 2012

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7 Dancers performed in Dam Van Huynh’s Mooring


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7 dancers from the Contemporary Dance stream, together with one from Ballet) will perform in Artist-in-Residence Dam Van Huynh’s Mooring - a collaborative project between the School and local company Unlock Dancing Plaza (22-23 June).


日 期

30th June 2012

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14 Dancers performed in Leung Kowk-shing’s Qingming Riverside for the 15th Anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong


描 述

14 dancers from the Chinese Dance stream will join their Hong Kong Dance Company peers in the latter’s performance of two excerpts of Leung Kwok-shing’s Qingming Riverside for the 15th Anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong (30 June).


日 期

20th - 26th February 2012

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10 Students participated in the Hong Kong Dance Company’s Annual Macau Education and Youth Affairs Arts Festival Project


描 述

10 students from across all three streams (Ballet, Chinese Dance and Contemporary Dance) participated in the Hong Kong Dance Company’s Annual Macau Education and Youth Affairs Arts Festival Project 20-26 February in the Macau Cultural Centre’s Grand Theatre. This enlightened programme is designed to introduce students from all of Macau’s secondary schools to a wide range of art forms, with each year designated for a particular art form - dance being for Form 5 students.


日 期

19th – 21st August 2011

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4 Students from the Ballet stream performed in the Hong Kong Ballet’s production of Swan Lake Production


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4 students from the Ballet stream performed in the Hong Kong Ballet’s production of Swan Lake production during the summer break (19-21 August) - Peggy Lai Pui-ki (BFA1), Kwuney Lo Kwun-yi (BFA3), Tsai Ting Yu (BFA2), and Natalie Chung Man-in (Ad.Cert2).


日 期

21st – 22nd May 2011

标 题

11 Dancers from Chinese Dance stream joined the Hong Kong Dance Company peers in the latter’s performance of Qingming Riverside


描 述

11 dancers from the Chinese Dance stream joined their Hong Kong Dance Company peers in the latter’s performance of Qingming Riverside (21-22 May) in the Grand Theatre. This is the third Qingming collaboration, the first being in 2007 when 22 dancers joined HKDC on its tour of the work to Beijing, Nanjing and Hangzhou.


日 期

28th March - 2 April 2011

标 题

10 Students participated in the Hong Kong Dance Company’s Macau Education and Youth Affairs Arts Festival Project


描 述

10 students from across all three streams participated in the Hong Kong Dance Company’s Macau Education and Youth Affairs Arts Festival Project 28 March - 2 April in the Macau Cultural Centre’s Grand Theatre. This enlightened programme is designed to introduce students from all of Macau’s secondary schools to a wide range of art forms, with each year designated for a particular art form - dance being for Form 5 students. As our senior students were busy with Dance 2 rehearsals, the project provided an ideal opportunity for our younger students to be involved.


日 期

29th – 31st October, 5th – 7th November 2010

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16 students from the Ballet stream performed in the Hong Kong Ballet’s Sleeping Beauty Season


描 述

After several weeks of concentrated rehearsals with their professional peers, sixteen upper-level students from the Ballet stream performed in the Hong Kong Ballet’s Sleeping Beauty season (29-31 October; and 5-7 November). Several of our dancers had significant roles in the work.


日 期

24th – 26th February 2010

标 题

10 Students participated in a collaborative project with the Hong Kong Dance Company - the Macau Education and Youth Affairs Arts Festival Project


描 述

A group of ten students (four from Ballet and six from Chinese Dance) participated in a collaborative project with the Hong Kong Dance Company - the Macau Education and Youth Affairs Arts Festival Project – which saw them perform at the Cultural Centre in Macau 24-26 February.


日 期

4th – 5th December 2009

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Dao Extraordinaire


描 述

Dao Extraordinaire - the collaborative project between the Contemporary Dance students and City Contemporary Dance Company - was performed at the Kwai Tsing Theatre 4-5 December.


日 期

June 2009

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Ballet Students performed in Hong Kong Ballet’s production of Giselle


描 述

Ballet students Wan Po LamTonia, Lok Dzi Oi Shirley and Chung Man-in Natalie were invited to perform in Hong Kong Ballet’s production of Giselle in June, and then to join the company’s tour to Beijing in August.


日 期

17th – 21st February 2009

标 题

10 Students participated in a collaborative project with the Hong Kong Dance Company - Macau Education and Youth Affairs Bureau Arts Festival Project


描 述

A group of 10 students from across all streams (Ballet, Chinse Dance and Contemporary Dance) participated in a collaborative project with the Hong Kong Dance Company - Macau Education and Youth Affairs Bureau Arts Festival Project - which saw them perform in Macau from 17-21 February.