Rebecca Yu
Chief Manager (Planning), Leisure and Cultural Services Department

Rebecca YU is a veteran arts administrator having served the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) for 30 years. She is experienced in the planning and management of performance venues, curation of arts programmes and policy formulation. She is one of the key members to steer the newest performance venue, the East Kowloon Cultural Centre (EKCC), under the LCSD management as an incubator and facilitator for the development of Arts Tech in culture and arts through providing the latest stage technology and equipment, and setting up a Testbed Studio to support novel applications for stage productions. While EKCC was still under construction, Rebecca took initiative on steering her team to organise a series of eye-opening and thought-provoking meetings, demonstrations and collaboration projects to connect artists and arts groups with the technology sector of Hong Kong to promote the convergence of arts and technology, and to introduce LCSD’s pioneering Arts Tech project of EKCC. She also started the EKCC Academy for Arts Tech, launched the Arts Tech Trainee programme and created the platform “Into the EKCC”.
Currently the Chief Manager (Planning) of LCSD, Rebecca has been focusing on the planning of the New Territories East Cultural Centre since July 2024.