Patrick Lo, Wei-En Hsu (2023) Stop the War! Solidarity with Ukraine: Performing Artists Across the World Call for Peace, Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Russ Girsberger, Robert Sutherland, Patrick Lo, Wei-En Hsu (2022) Keeping Music Alive during the Pandemic: Stories and Lessons from the World’s Leading Opera, Orchestra Librarians, and Music Archivists, Volume 2: Europe and Asia, Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited
Russ Girsberger, Robert Sutherland, Patrick Lo, Wei-En Hsu (2021) Keeping Music Alive during the Pandemic: Stories and Lessons from the World’s Leading Opera, Orchestra Librarians, and Music Archivists, Volume 1: North and South America, Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited
Patrick Lo, Wei-En Hsu, Stephanie H. S. Wu, J. Travis, Dickson Chiu (2021) Creating a Global Cultural City via Public Participation in the Arts: Conversations with Hong Kong's Leading Arts and Cultural Administrators, New York: Nova Science Publishers
External Practice
Visiting Professor of the Chengdu Sport University
Circle Foundation for the Arts (CFA) Affiliate Artist;
Chevalier Académicien of Mondial Art Academia;
Visiting Fellow of the European-American University (FEAU);
Visiting Fellow of the Western Orthodox University (FWOU);
Fellowship Diploma (in Composition & Performance with Honours) of the St. Cecilia School of Music (F.Dip.SCSM(Hons));
Fellow of the Society of Crematorium Organists (FSCO);
Fellow (Composition) of the Australian Society of Musicology and Composition (F.Comp.ASMC);
Fellow (Performance) of the Australian Society of Musicology and Composition (F.Perf.ASMC);
Fellow of the Fraternity of St Cecilia (FFSC);
Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA);
Associate Fellow of the National College of Music (AFNCollM);
Fellow of the Guild of Musicians and Singers (FGMS);
National Theater and Concert Hall (NTCH) Artist-in-Residence
Associate of the Royal Academy of Music (ARAM)