Have You Missed the Summer Fun?

2023 Project A Summer Programme has been running smoothly and attracted overwhelming responses in enrollment. Apart from the thematic workshops offered for students interested in performing arts, the Masterclasses conducted by notable alumni were also insightful and rewarding to students who are looking for more in-depth knowledge and inspiration. Since its launch in June, current and newly enrolled Young Friends members have immersed themselves in the world of performing arts and responded actively with great creativity and passion. Here are some of their feedback.

“I was glad that I could meet so many creative minds of my age
and their talents and diligence motivated me to strive for excellence!”
“It’s so much fun to work with young people like me
who have many crazy ideas and want to make them happen!”

“I was thrilled to try out duet and group dance for the first time
in the Dance Masterclass by Dominic!”
“Had I not taken class with Dr Yu, I’d never know
I could deliver and express emotions from my music playing like this.”

“It's so much fun to play with colours and meet new friends with art jamming!"
“I think when I draw with a purpose in mind, anything can be a piece of art!”

It’s never too late to join Young Friends and enjoy the events and activities exclusively for members.
The Finale Film Screening on 26 Aug held at the HKAPA Amphitheatre is still available for registration. Grab the LAST CHANCE to meet box-office hit directors Jack Ng and Cheuk-tin Ho who will bring their HKAPA graduation works and share how they develop their career in the film industry with passion and perseverance.