About Alumni Association

Welcome to the website of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Alumni Association (AAA).
Founded in 2004, the AAA is dedicated to fostering communication between alumni and the Academy, uniting APA alumni to care for society, and advancing the development of performing arts in Hong Kong. Here, you can find information about the AAA and access the Academy's free recruitment platform – Hire a Talent. Registered alumni members will receive regular updates on APA and AAA news and exclusive membership benefits. Your registered information will help you stay connected with former classmates, fellow alumni, and alma mater. We encourage you to visit our website regularly to stay updated with the latest news.
The Association has successfully registered as a charitable organization in 2022. We welcome generous donations from you and the public. A tax-deductible receipt will be issued for donation of HK$100 or above. With our charitable status, we organize alumni volunteer teams to serve the community, hoping to gather more alumni support and participation as we contribute to society through the arts.
The Executive Committee is committed to uniting alumni across different Schools, including Chinese Opera, Dance, Drama, Film and Television, Music, Theatre and Entertainment Arts. Through organizing diverse activities and enhancing our information platform, we facilitate alumni networking and provide career development support for young performing artists. We focus on the development of performing arts education in Hong Kong, maintaining close communication with the Academy and offering suggestions to enhance teaching quality. We actively promote industry exchange and talent development, raising professional standards and nurturing the next generation of performing arts artists.
Please click here to download the donation form.

The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 1 Gloucester road Wanchai Hong Kong
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The Academy has a code of practice for handling personal data submitted to the Academy. This code respects the guidelines and regulations set out in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of Hong Kong. Personal information submitted to the Academy will only be used for the purpose intended. Click here to the the Academy Privacy Statement.