The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts is established under The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Ordinance, Chapter 1135 (the Ordinance) to foster and provide for training, education and research in the performing arts and related technical arts.
The Council of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (the Council), established under Part III section 9 of the Ordinance, is the governing and executive body of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (the Academy) and may exercise all the powers conferred and shall perform all the duties imposed on the Academy by the Ordinance. The Director is responsible to the Council and is vested the management, conduct and administration of the Academy, the maintenance of academic standards and the discipline of students.
The Council comprises of community leaders with experience in education, the arts, law, industry and commerce; Government officials; the Director of the Academy; and two elected members of staff. All members of the Council are appointed by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chief Executive, President of the Academy.
