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Facts about Low Back Pain

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Facts about Low Back Pain


Back to basics: 10 facts every person should know about low back pain

  1. LBP is not a serious life threatening medical condition.
  2. Most episodes of LBP improve and LBP does not get worse as we age.
  3. A negative mindset, fear- avoidance behaviour, negative recovery expectations, and poor pain coping behaviours are more strongly associated with persistent pain than is tissue damage.
  4. Scans do not determine prognosis of the current episode of LBP, the likelihood of future LBP disability, and do not improve LBP clinical outcomes.
  5. Graduated exercise and movement in all directions is safe and healthy for the spine.
  6. Spine posture during sitting, standing and lifting does not predict LBP or its persistence.
  7. A weak core does not cause LBP. Almost any exercise can improve LBP as effective as core training.
  8. Spine movement and loading is safe and builds structural resilience when it is graded.
  9. Pain flare-ups are more related to changes in activity, stress and mood rather than structural damage.
  10. Effective care for LBP is relatively cheap and safe. This includes:
    education that is patient-centred and fosters a positive mindset, and coaching people to optimise their physical and mental health. Physiotherapy or medicine can support in the transitional state.

The information is a brief summary only. Consult a physiotherapist for clarification.



1.     腰痛大多不是嚴重、會威脅生命的問題。
2.     腰痛與年齡無關,且症狀大多會隨時間改善。
3.     長期腰痛不見得和組織 受損有關,反而可能和生活習慣、負面想法、消極態度有關係。
4.     影像檢查對於腰痛的病情發現和恢復大多沒有幫助,甚至可能因為心理因素,讓恢復狀況變差。
5.     運動時感到疼痛,不一定代表受傷,但確實表示需要做出調整,適當運動能幫助腰痛恢復得更好。
6.     姿勢是否「標準」與腰痛無關,但坐太久、動得太少一定引發或加劇腰痛。
7.     核心肌群無力不會引致腰痛。雖然核心訓練能治療背痛,但它的效果和其他運動沒有分別。
8.     長期循序漸進的脊椎負重大多是安全的,且對於強化肌群有幫助。
9.     反覆的腰痛通常和活動、壓力或情緒的變化有關,不一定是因為組織受傷。
10.  物理治療、藥物治療僅扮演過渡期的角色,在病人學習主動改變、調整動作模式期間進行輔助、緩解疼痛,而不是要讓患者一直處在被動治療的過渡期狀態中。



stay happy.stay strong