This certificate course was designed by PAR unit to equip our academic staff with first-hand experiences in planning and implementing Practice-as-Research projects relating to their practices as teaching artists. A total of 10 participants from five different Schools registered in the first run of this course in Jan-Apr 2019.
Through face-to-face workshops and online learning, the participants reflected on topics related to:
- What it means to be a teaching artist
- Designing and implementing curriculum for creative practice
- Teaching styles, facilitation skills, modes of delivery and assessment practices for the arts and culture
Each participant developed their own PaR project by constructing a research design, documenting their work, analysing the documentation and considering ways to present the outcomes of their projects. The projects were built upon teaching performing and technical arts at the Academy. The certificate course successfully developed a diversity of PaR projects exploring into the Academy staff's practices, and provided treasurable exchange amongst colleagues of different Schools and backgrounds.
Below are some of the testimonials from our colleagues:
“The PaR course helped me transform my personal experience as an artist to become useful resources for my teaching at the Academy.”
“This course is essential for teaching artists to better understand their role. All the essential elements are broken down and explained in a clear and fun way. The PaR element really helps to put artists’ minds in their correct context. The enquiring mind, which is related to the students’ learning processes.”
“Please do join! The opportunity to meet, share, gain insight or ideas from colleagues outside of your school or department is worth your while. There could be others with similar concepts and may be willing to do a joint project.”