Canvas is a learning management system (LMS) by Instructure that has been adopted by all of the schools, teaching units and the library of HKAPA.
Canvas helps teachers create and manage online courses.
Education-information Technology (EDuIT) provides training and one-on-one sessions. EDuIT works with schools, teachers, students, and related parties on e-learning pedagogy, designs for online learning activities and troubleshooting.
If you would need more support for course design, please get in touch with the Educational Designer at EDuIT for your school for a 1-1 consultation.

If you would need more support for course design, please get in touch with the Educational Designer at EDuIT for your school for a 1-1 consultation:
Dr. Misty Choi (Senior Project Manager, Digital Learning)
Direct line: 8340
Mr. Carton Kam (Senior Project Officer)
Direct line: 8346